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(總務處營繕組)Notice of the Second Campus Power Outage 第二教學區電力系統暫停供電公告-5/27 17:00~19:00


To the offices and management of the second campus

主  旨:本組進行「第二教學區高壓電力系統總站總盤維修更換保護電驛作業」及配合「雲林縣、嘉義縣中央機關公有屋頂聯合標租」案」太陽光電發電設備租賃施工作業需要工作需要,本(112)年5月27日(六)第二教學區各大樓及綜三館分別暫停供電,俾利施工順利進行,請勿於下列期間靠近施作區域周圍,並請校內行車注意停放位置及車輛安全,特此通知。

Subject: The power supply of the second campus and 3rd general building will be temporarily suspended on May 27th SAT. Please do not be near the following areas during the period, and pay attention to the parking position and the safety of your vehicles.

【說  明 Instructions】:



日期:527日(星期六)  17:00~19:00 (更新)



日期:527日(星期六)  08:00~17:00 (更新)


1.The Date and the area of power outage


Date:May 27th SAT. from 17:00 to 19:00  (upate)

Area: The 2nd Campus


Date:May 27th SAT. from 08:00 to 17:00 (upate)

Area:The 3rd Camups


The regulation is in accordance with 1306,the construction area : the red area in the picture.



Please inform the public and turn off the relevant electrical equipment such as computer equipment as early as possible before the power outage time so as to avoid unexpected damage after the power supply. Please avoid using water cooler and washing up during the period of power outage.


During the suspension of the power supply, in order to avoid unforeseen accidents, please do not start electrical or computer equipment or take elevators.

五、如工程提前完工,將提早送電;惟倘工作發生特殊困難,可能延緩送電,不便之處,請 諒察。

If the project is completed ahead of schedule, the power should be delivered earlier; however, if there are difficulties in the work, the power delivery may be delayed. We apologized for any inconvenience.


In case of failure to work under certain circumstances, the power outage will be postponed until further notice.

七、連絡人 Contact People:

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